“Women at the End of the World”
AVA Gallery, Kai Tak Campus
Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University
In cultural partnership with Art Basel
Artists: Ice Wong, Mandy Ma, Michelle Fung and Stacey Chan
curated by Dr. Evelyn Kwok
9th March - 2nd April 2023
My alma mater, the Academy of Visual Arts (AVA), Hong Kong Baptist University, was one of Art basel Hong Kong’s University Partners in 2023 !
Aside from having a representative booth at Art Basel, the school had a parallel exhibition on campus- featuring some of their alumni through the exhibition 'Women at the End of the World'.
Exhibition Statement
There is little doubt that we are living on a dying planet.
To continue living, surviving and thriving, we must acknowledge the damages we have done and build anew with resilience, care and creativity. In the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals that interlinked global goals designed to be a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future", climate action and gender equality are among the 17 goals outlined for building a sustainable and hopefully enjoyable future for people and the planet.
Climate change and environmental disasters continue to have a disproportionate effect on women and children, particularly in geographical areas that are more vulnerable to volatile changes. Women are often at the frontline of climate action too, because social and cultural traditions have tasked them with duties of care, whether it is caring for children, family, community and whether they like it or not, caring, have been generalised to being an ultimately ʻfeminineʼ act.
So how do we continue to care for ourselves and the world with these acknowledgments in mind? Living on a dying planet constantly challenges who we are, where and how we live. It is important to revitalise curiosity, make constant observations and open transdisciplinary conversations about life on this planet we call home, and take bold and transformative action.
With these intersected ideas, we are putting four artists together for a showcase of AVA Alumni excellence, through the theme: WOMEN AT THE END OF THE WORLD.
In this exhibition, we want to generate dialogue about care and caring for the environment through the four artists’ works starting from the space at Art Basel, that will continue into our gallery at the AVA Kai Tak campus. The four artists work in varied mediums such as performance art, recycled textiles, print, and installation.